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湖南 Freeze dryer

湖南 Freeze dryer

  • category:湖南 Biopharmaceutical
  • browse number:times
  • release date:2020-03-23
  • product description
  • performance characteristics
  • technical parameters

Large-scale freeze dryer

●This is used in the field of antibiotics, vaccines, health care products, biological products, fine chemical industry. The lowest temperature of shelf  refrig-eration is -550℃,  -750℃ respec-tively. The ice-catching amounts to 500-800kg.

Pharmaceutical machinery manufacturers

Middle/Small freeze dryer

●This is used in the field of bacteria, viruses, vaccines, biological prod-ucts industry. The lowest tempera-ture of shelf  refrigeration is -55℃,  -75℃, respectively. The ice-catching amounts to 40-100kg.

Pharmaceutical machinery manufacturers

Zoom-Type freeze dryer

●This is used for industrial curved exploration  providing actual data for industrial production  large-scale production. The lowest cemperature of shelf  refrigeration is -45℃,  -60℃, respectively. The ice-catching amounts to 4-20kg.

Brewing machinery manufacturers

Freeze dryer various series of accessories

Refrigeration element

Roots pump

Circulating pump

Screw compressors

German piston compressor

American piston compressor

Plate heat exchanger

Mushroom valve



Butterfly valve

Germany leybold vacuum pump

Domestic vacuum pump

British edward vacuum pump


previous:Reverse osmosis water treatment2020-03-23

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