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益阳Biological fermentation tank

益阳Biological fermentation tank

  • category:益阳Biopharmaceutical
  • browse number:times
  • release date:2020-03-23
  • product description
  • performance characteristics
  • technical parameters

Biological fermentation tank adopts a vertical circular structure with diameter height ratio of 1:2~1:3  large viewing angle liquid level observation mirror in the tank. 12V safety lamp owns acid  alkali corrosion. Mirror polishing of the inner surface reaches less than 0.4 m Ra  the outer surface is finished by mirror polishing  matting. More, the transition section of the inner surface adopts arc transition, no dead angle, easy to clean. Water bath  electric heating in the jacket can be designed according to customer demand. Also it is equipped with adjustable mechanical stirring, digital speed control, the standard 2- layer disc shaped turbine impeller  1-layer effective defoaming oar, Besides, flat blade, oblique blade  curved blade are optional. Full-closed design ensures material mixed, ferment in sterile condition. Liquid coefficient ranges  65% to75%, optimal 70%. The whole tanks features advanced structure  simple operation.

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